Living With ADD/ADHD: Why You Should NOT Make Tasks Urgent
Since our brains focus better in crisis mode (thus why we do well in a crisis or why we can’t really start work until the day before a...
Healing My Brain With a Ketogenic Diet
If you have been following me for a while, way back when I had my blog, Bipolar Spirit, then you know I have been on dozens of...
Parenting with ADD: When Your Kid is Judged by Your Disability
I hate the school year. I write about it almost every year- how much I hate the school year as a parent living with ADD and co-occuring...
Taking a Break from Body Positivity Advocacy
Quite a few years ago, I started writing about body positivity. I talked about not focusing on weight, eating disorder recovery, and...
Tips for Handling the Holidays with ADD
For at least the past 5 years, we have not had a Christmas tree, decorated for Christmas, or really done any Christmassey things. That...
ADD Mom vs. the School Year
I am pretty sure that the start of the school year upsets me more than it does my son. My son is worried about the end of summer, class...